Happy Home Secrets – Series 4
- Living away from the Maker will leave a vacuum in our personal & family living. Our comforts can not give us an inner fulfillment. Peter and James didn’t catch any fish the previous night. The Boats & nets were empty. May be, with dejection, they would have started that morning cleaning work. Emptiness & failures are a foot away from The living Lord’s helping Zone. Be sure of God’s Availablity for your needs.
- Many a times, we don’t value the things which we have, education we have received, the job which is ours, our Parents , the spiritual back ground that belongs to us etc. We take many things just for granted. The privileges, the blessings, the friends, the siblings & Parents are not by our efforts. They are very valuable. We should be very greatful in our heart for all these which we possess. Even for our own Spouses & Children, we should have a Thanking heart. Jesus got into the boat of Simon Peter. It was not by accident. God planned it. Friends, count your Blessings. Never worry about to-morrow or your un-availablity of extra opportunities. Just be thankful to our Lord for what you have to-day. Jesus was in Simon Peter’s boat. That was Great & Awesome. !
- Have you ever had the Joy of your time, talent & treasure being used by God for His Purposes?. Your word will strengthen many. Your ordinary ‘ Thank you mails’ would have boosted some. Your enquiry of your Colleagues would have built them. Your Positive comments at office would have Blessed many. Most often, your Words of affirmation at home would have done healings. The boat of Simon Peter was used by Jesus for His Preaching. People around his boat would have been Blessed Greatly. When God uses you & your job, your Car, even home for His small , small Plans, there will be a great fulfillment.
- Have you ever been in a cross road?. Waiting for some one’s Guidance & Counselling. ?. When you are at the cross roads, you may be wondering which way to go?. What to say?. Which direction to move on?. At such times, we can count the Mild Inner Voice of our Great Master!. Jesus was preaching from Peter’s boat. When HE finished, HE turned to Peter and guided him to throw his net deep. What a Great help Jesus does. !. Are you in such a condition as what to do? Where to go for the next Job?. Regarding your children’s education, where to send them?. When to visit your Old parents?. How to solve this problem or that problem?. Let Jesus Guide you. Do you have God’s written Word with you?. Then, take the Bible and Read it Regularly. God’s Word guides. Every one at home should have the Habit of Regular & daily Bible Reading to know God’s direction. Those who love God’s Word, really get HIS Direction.
- For the emptiness to be removed and for the fullness experience, some strange ideas or thoughts may be reminded. This may be contrary to the present issue. For a sickness, God’s Spirit may remind you to forgive some one. For Financial failures, God may remind you those promises you made many years ago. Though small or very insignificance, that may be from God the Father. When Jesus asked Peter to go deep into the water & put their nets, Peter explained that the whole night they toiled, but caught nothing. But after hearing Jesus’s Preaching, he wanted to obey HIS Word. This Great Faith came from Jesus Preaching. Be eager to received God’s word. May be at the Church, or in small fellowships, or while reading HIS Word. or even while Praying. When God gives Word, it’s ‘ RHEMA’. That does Miracles. !
- Obedience to the mild inner voice of God does Great and Mighty things. Is the Lord reminding you to reconcile with some one? May be with your own spouse?. Then do it. God can do beyond your expectations. Now, it may be a sickness, long bending of a big amount, your Promotion or salary hike etc. When Peter obeyed, something extraordinary happened. It was day time. Usually, fishing will be done at nights. He wanted to obey to Jesus Word. , And he obeyed. Now, the net was full with fish. They called their Companions in the other boat for help. It was day light fishing. But it was a Full Catch. The 2 Boats were filled. Fullness and double fold Blessing is possible, as you get word from Jesus. Don’t do as you think. Wait for God’s Word. Let HIM Guide you. Through out the Bible God’s People are Blessed when they obeyed to His Word. Let your emptiness, failures, sickness, down heartedness go away right now. There will be fullness, that too Double Fold. Your Dear ones to be Blessed because you live closer with Jesus !
- God has specific purposes for all His Creations & Creatures, including you and me. Where God has placed us any where , we have to be available. God can do extra-ordinary things as you obey. When you see God’s doings, you may feel that you are unworthy for that ‘ Plentiful Catch. ‘ Our worthiness may seem nil. Then we need to come to the Lord and feel our unworthiness. Peter did it. At the Catch of 2 Boats full, he told Jesus that he was a sinner. Now, the Lord gave him a call for Full Time Ministry. Peter followed the Lord from hence forth. Dear Friend, You have obeyed to the Lord and the Lord looks at your hard working ability. HE wants you. Great haul. ! Great Calling. !!Even to-day, the Lord is seeking People for HIS MISSION. You may be a Chosen Family for full time Ministry. That is Double Fold Blessing. !
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