Ministry for Senior Parents


“Even in old age they will still produce fruit and be vital and green.”(Psalm 92:14)

The Senior Equip programme is organized for the Senior Parents to enlighten their role in the present world. The practical talks are flavoured with games, case studies and interactions that strengthen them, both mentally and spiritually. The day is full of smile and laughter with group activities that revitalizes them and boosts their self-esteem. End of the day they go home with new vigor as their strength is renewed like the soaring eagle (Psalm 103:5).dsc00992

Elderly people are to be honored and their life experiences will be of great value, but they are ignored in the families. On the other hand in some cases senior parents are trouble makers instead of problem solver in their children families. Both are to be viewed in the Biblical perspective and Senior Equip programme has its answer.

Senior Parent

Shalom has a great concern for these Golden Aged Parents, commonly ignored as “old timers” and “oldsters”. So we teach these parents how to cope up with the present world. Our talks with a mixture of games, case studies, and interactions, strengthen them physically and spiritually are a day of their youthful bonanza. The whole day, they smile, they laugh, their self-esteem boosts and they leave as youngsters with new vigor – their youth is renewed like the soaring eagle! Shalom – meaning peace brings peace in their hearts – and that is the witness we hear at the end of the day in our programs for seniors!

Apart from Senior Parents in Churches, Shalom conducts Senior Parents’ Enrichment programs. Our motto:  “[Growing in grace] they will still thrive and bear fruit and prosper in old age; they will flourish and be vital and fresh [rich in trust and love and contentment]” (Psalm 92:14).

Senior Ministries